A review on a post on Internet Security from My E-Commerce blog

Thursday, June 19, 2008

After viewing the blog, I feel so curious to know more about mobile Malware. It has a rapidly growth of mobile Malware recently, the primary reasons which are as below:
· The price of phone continues to drop and vendor involved in production.

· Virus writer is allowed to gain a deep understanding of the operating system.

· Mobile phone users tend to save a great deal of private data into their devices, so there is a potential financial gain from identity theft or misappropriation of credit card information.

· Windows Mobile and Win32 are very similar, so it is easy for Win32 malware author to transition to mobile malware.

There are many ways to prevent of mobile Malware except of those in the article.
· The best way to prevent mobile from Malware attacks is to install anti-virus and anti-Malware tools. Such as, a combination of both PC-based anti-virus software and mobile anti-virus software, it is the most effective solution to prevent infection than products that only detect or clean viruses.

· Off the WI-FI and Bluetooth when in outdoors, because these
function are easier to exploit for sending malicious code or viruses.

· Make a frequent back up of data stored on mobile services, as contact lists are vitally important, then if the mobile device had been infected, so we can recover the default setting to clean the system.

· Don’t save the business data or any confidential files or photo in mobile device as possible. This is a profit motive to drive those Malware writers to create mobile viruses.

· If the phone is auto-connected to General Packet Radio Service(GPRS), it might be infected with a virus that send data to others. If discover this problem, disconnect the device immediately and install anti- virus software to remove Malware.

related to article :

http://ecommerze.blogspot.com/search/label/internet%20security http://www.mcafee.com/us/local_content/white_papers/threat_center/wp_malware7a_en.pdf