The history and evolution of E-commerce

Friday, June 13, 2008

History of ecommerce dates back to the invention of the very old notion of “sell and buy”, electricity, cables, computers, modems, and the Internet. The commercial-oriented sharing of electronic data among computers become possible in the 1950s with the advent of geographically dispersed computers. However, in the early years of computers, data formats used to be highly specialized (closed). Subsequently the systems too were closed; in other words, the software applications of a certain producer were not able to communicate with the applications of another producer, which hindered the data exchange between the computers that were not running the same software application. None of these many systems ended up by being adopted as a standard for commercial applications.

The first extended use of a form of electronic commerce appeared in the early 1970s
when system called Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) was introduced. This enabled
banks and financial institutions to transfer over secure networks large amounts of
money either among themselves or with associated businesses.

In the year of 1984s, EDI, or electronic data interchange, was standardized through ASC X12. This guaranteed that companies would be able to complete transactions with one another reliably.

A significant change for e-commerce occurred in 1991, when the United States
government allowed public access to the internet. CompuServe offers online retail products to its customers. This gives people the first chance to buy things off their computer.

Netscape arrived in the year of 1994. Providing users a simple browser to surf the Internet and a safe online transaction technology called Secure Sockets Layer.

E-Commerce is not just a term but a revolution for the online industry in the year of 1995. The two of biggest names in e-commerce are launched: and

DSL, or Digital Subscriber Line, arrive in the year of 1998, provides the fast, always-on Internet service to subscribers across California. This prompts people to spend more time, and money to online.
History of ecommerce is a history of a new, virtual world which is evolving according to the customer advantage. All the tasks, letters, messages and data transferred within a flick of a second at any place no matter how far or how near. This all was impossible even for a thought or a dream, for things to be like that just a few years ago. It is a world which we are all building together brick by brick, laying a secure foundation for the future generations.